What is dogscreen?

dogscreen® is a form-fitting filter fabric that fits perfectly in the loading area of the vehicle and retains all the dog hair.

dogscreen® is a form-fitting filter fabric that fits perfectly in the loading area of the vehicle and retains all the dog hair.

What does dogscreen do?

dogscreen® retainsdog hair, vermin, saliva and dirt from spreading inside the car and coming in contact with the car interior or its occupants.

dogscreen® is made of polyamide6.6 and is extremely durable, designed to resist dog claws and bites. dogscreen® retainsdog hair, vermin, saliva and dirt from spreading inside the car and coming in contact with the car interior or its occupants. dogscreen®iseasy to install and there is no maintenance involved. Our clear and comprehensive installation guide and our instructional videos will guide you step by step trough the quick installation.

Who can use dogscreen?

dogscreen® fits perfectly in all hatchback vehicles including Compact, Station wagons and SUVs.

Generell ist dogscreen für jeden geeignet, den Hundehaare in seinem Auto stören und der es leid ist sein Auto immer wieder aufs Neue davon zu befreien. Dogscreen ist passend für alle Kombi´s, Kompaktklassen und SUV´s.

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